
Picture of John Cook
A.R.M.S. Free Job Search Workshops for Migrants
by John Cook - Monday, 20 July 2020, 12:51 PM


A.R.M.S. Free Job Search Workshops for Migrants - International Students attend for free!

Auckland Regional Migrant Services is running job search workshops for migrants across Auckland and international students can attend for free.

Our one day interactive and informative job search workshops are packed with tips and guidance for new migrant job seekers to identify their best pathways for suitable employment.
Receive cover letter and CV writing advice, interview tips and crucial information on how to communicate in the Kiwi workplace.

Dates, times and locations:
South Auckland
Friendship House, 20 Putney Way, Manukau, Thursday 25 February and Thursday 14 April, 9.15am - 3pm

North Shore:
Raeburn House, 65 Pearn Crescent, Northcote, Thursday 7 April and Thursday 2 June.

West Auckland
New Lynn Library, 3 Memorial Drive, New Lynn, Wednesday 23 March and Wednesday 4 May

To register contact ARMS on 09 625 2440 or email




(Edited by Admin Moodle ICA - original submission Friday, 12 February 2016, 4:25 PM)